Monday, April 20, 2009

EMC's Iomega Launches NAS Server For Small Businesses

The StorCenter Pro ix4-200r is powered by EMC's LifeLine operating system and provides up to 4 TB of storage.

While 38% of Spains 44 million residents have access to hotels in kuala lumpur internet via fixed line, Spain also has one of Europes largest mobile communications markets in Europe, with current statistics showing 109% penetration.

Couple that with Spains love of skill games and their propensity to gamble (again one of the largest gambling markets in Europe, with some 30 billion euros spent on gambling in 2006 according to national statistics) you can see the potential klcc kuala lumpur the games market and in particular the future growth potential in the mobile gaming market.

The majority of Spains broadband users could only access around 1mb/s in 2006 and for many the average speed was much less. This is due to the lack of investment and renewal of fixed line technology. Telefonica who category: internet service and access providers most of the fixed lines and who lease them to service providers like or Spantel, have failed to invest in fixed line technology, and the nature of their telephone lines has been the common reason why many have only been able to receive low bandwidth.

Many of Spains residents who live outside main towns or cities also fail to receive high speeds (indeed many even fail to obtain adsl at all) as the distance from the central exchange point causes attenuation on lines. Without investment in repeaters or exchange points, residents are now turning to internet access via mobile phones or USB modems as a faster and more tmnet streamyx self way of connecting to search the internet or powersurf games.

Together with Vodafone (one of the three main operators of mobile communications in Spain) and Nortel, recently investing heavily in 3.6 megabit 3G communications technology for Spain, users are now able to access speeds averaging around 2mb/s, faster than the average fixed line bandwidth speeds in other major European countries.

The higher speeds allow greater variation in services, and one of the major services provided to mobile users is online gaming.

Nokia NGage, who recently undertook a survey of mobile gamers in Europe, state that 77% of Spanish subscribes play games on their mobile at least once per week, with some 14% at least once every day.

64% of mobile users in Spain play games on the move, more so than at home which is only 50%. Multiplayer gaming is becoming more streamyx bridge with 17% currently accessing best broadband packages games each week and averaging 28 minutes sessions.

Silicon Seeds (an online mobile games site) also claim that Spain is the second biggest market in Europe for downloading mobile games.

Movilenio's Ludo was the best-selling mobile game for Vodafone Spain in December 2005, and was featured on the Vodafone Live portal for weeks.

Bingo is another multi-player game which is proving popular in Spain, though while growth in registrations in particularly fast, actual cash play is proving much more difficult to accomplish as it seems the Spanish much prefer free-play games. Perhaps this is also due to Spains lack of confidence in providing credit card details over the internet or over the air. However, it is not thought to be too long before bingo will be offered over the air to mobile subscribers as e-gaming magazine report recent further development of mobile bingo and casino games from some of the big mobile gaming development companies.

So while countries like the UK and Sweden continue the fastest growth of bandwidth capabilities together with online bingo gaming offerings, the future for online bingo in Spain is certainly more mobile.

Written by Morgan Collins for Juega Bingo Ya, an online bingo site for Spanish residents. Links must be retained.

Comparing DSL and Cable Broadband to a T1 Line For Business

With all the talk lately about bandwidth broadband telephone who can provide it reliably, the landscape is getting very confusing. To make matters worse, many local carrier agents lowyat streamyx saying just about anything tmnet jaring get the sale, regardless of whether it is the truth or not. So how do cyberjaya malaysia get the bandwidth webbit need for bangsar kl business?

First of all, let's get one thing out of the way kuala lumpur guide now. DSL, cable, and satellite are not going to cut it for you, and if you are seriously considering DSL, cable or satellite, that tells me you either do not understand telecom and bandwidth, or you are letting the cost scare you into a decision that is going to be detrimental for your business. Neither DSL, cable, or satellite are serious considerations for a serious dsl broadband internet entity.

For those who don't believe that, consider the facts - with DSL and cable, you do NOT get any kind of bandwidth availability guarantee. None! That is because at the prices they are offering their "service" for, you are SHARING that bandwidth amongst 50 or more other businesses and residences in your area. You lowyat streamyx ZERO performance guarantee and you have ZERO bandwidth availability guarantee. It might be good right now today, but there is no guarantee of what it will be tomorrow or next week. If that 3 MB advertisement drops to 3 K tomorrow, the carrier is still meeting their terms of service!

DSL and cable also offer different speeds - they might advertise "3 MB" but what they aren't telling you is that that 3 MB is a theoretical maximum only, assuming all the 50+ others tm net streamyx combo that you are sharing your circuit segment with are logged off, in which case achieving that speed is indeed theoretically possible. They also are neglecting to mention that your UP speed is significantly different than your down speed, where your up speed is maybe as high as 384k, and sometimes only barely different from dialup speeds. Neither DSL nor cable offer any kind of uptime guarantee.

If they tell you differently, get it in writing. Not a statement that says "up to" but an actual guarantee that you will get NO LESS THAN a stated speed, both up and down, 24x7. But you won't get it in writing without major disclaimers because they cannot deliver.

A T1 line is vastly different. You have a written guarantee that you are getting 1.5 MB up and 1.5 MB down, 24x7, and it is a DEDICATED circuit, not shared like DSL and cable. (And yes, even "business DSL" is shared!) You have a 99.99% uptime guarantee. You are not "distance limited" as you are with DSL. If you can get a phone line to your location, you can get a T1 line.

Now with all of this said, a T1 line is NOT used for a residence to get better performance than your current residential DSL or residential cable. Yes it can be done, there is not a technical issue that would prevent a T1 from being installed in a residence, but if the users are just you and your spouse, does it make financial sense to spend $300 or more per month for a T1 line? Yes, you get incredibly better performance, but for a residential location, it is hard for you to justify, and you are not going to find a reliable T1 for under at least $300 a month and probably more for non-major-metro locations, it's just not going to happen from a reliable provider.

Lastly, let's talk about reliable providers and let's equate it to cars for a moment. Sure, you can get a decent car from Honest Joe's Car Emporium at a decent price, but what kind of problems are you going to have with billing, service and performance, compared to buying the car from a factory authorized volume dealer who is also the manufacturer?

There are many second and third tier carriers out there, but if you buy based on price alone, you are not seeing the big picture. How much is your time worth if you need to invest your time talking to the carrier multiple times weekly about the circuit being down, the performance blowing, and billing not correct? Now add your personal time costs, time where you are NOT pursuing your company's income activities, into the base price of that T1, and you will undoubtedly find that T1 line from Billy Bob's T1's Inc actually costs you MORE than if you had used a first tier or top tier carrier in the first place.

Your best value, above all, is to use an agency that does a volume of business with multiple first tier and top tier carriers. If they represent multiple carriers, you can assume they are not emotionally tied to any of them, but are more interested in speed of broadband the best value for you, the customer. This is, by far, the best way to broadband dsl modem your business dollar for the best value.

For more insights and additional information about getting the lowest price from amongst about 30 first tier and top tier carriers on a T1 Line, each with a Low Price Guarantee, from the agency that won the Carrier Of The Year award at the 2008 National Telecom Association conference, please visit our web site at

Headlines from Los Angeles Times